Some pictures to show you all what being in Thailand is about.
(Besides the airport crisis...)


The view from elephant back

The view from another elephant back - look who's on this one!

Elephant feeding time

Mmm, bananas

Elephants eat a lot

A puppy at the elephant village

Oh yeah, there are tigers here, too.

We got to pet them

Flowers in the park

At the rose garden

An orchid at an orchid farm

An elephant stepping over over two men

Snakes at the snake zoo

A crocodile at the snake zoo

A lizard in the park - he's huge, probably a monitor lizard

The bridge over the River Kwai. We walked along it, but this is a picture from afar.

Some statue in a park in Bangkok

A park in Bangkok

A street vendor selling goldfish and baby turtles

Traffic in Bangkok

There's a chain of stores here, restaurants and also a department store, named Zen. This was a giant sign in the mall

At Patapong Street where you can see just about anything - including Super Pussy!

Thank you for looking. :-)
1 comment:
Your pictures are amazing!
Elephants and tigers and lizards, oh, my! The animals there are just incredible. I can't imagine petting a tiger like that. I mean, I know they're chained up and probably used to people, but still, I'd be freaked out.
The street vendor selling goldfish and turtles made me so sad. Those animals are probably not very healthy or happy. They're in plastic bags on a stick! I mean, really...
But anyway, the waterfalls and the flowers and everything just look absolutely gorgeous. If you're stuck there, it looks like you're at least enjoying it a little bit. Hope you get to go home soon, though. I imagine it's a bit stressful in your situation.
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