Apparently, in other parts of the world, you eat the shrimp's head. I figured, why not, and gastrologically went forward. The shell is still on the head. The eyes are there, looking up at you from their tempura blanket. And it still has feelers. I ate part of it, leaving just the tip - but getting out the meat from inside the shell. I wasn't sure if you were supposed to eat the shell. The meat is, by the way, amazingly flavored. It has a meaty texture and taste, it is not sweet like the body and also not chewy. It was quite good and reminded me of softshell crab.
I have since learned that you are supposed to eat the entire thing, shell and all. Next time, I suppose.
Oh - and the ikura (salmon eggs) was AMAZING. Best ikura I've ever had. Not just a flavor of salt water like in the states. A delicate and just complex flavor that I've never tasted before in the same thing. These eggs were clearly fresh and I can't wait to have more.
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