Wednesday, December 10, 2008


For those who don't play World of Warcraft, a small dictionary might
be necessary to understand the first part of Mathew's post.

WoW= World of Warcraft
WotLK = Wrath of the Lich King (the new expansion)
Tank = guy who leads the group into battle. He has a lot of armor and takes all the damage so everyone else doesn't have to.
Guild = a group of players who play together
80 = the new highest level

Also, "Lucky Draw" means a contest drawing here.

What wasn't mentioned in his post, by the way, is that we discovered that we could have had our friends purchase WotLK in the states and email us the codes. It turns out that Blizzard, the company who makes WoW, put it online for people to download once they upgraded their account with the code. I had mine earlier than Mathew because Jon got me the Collector's Edition and I got my code an hour or two after the US launch, 22 hours before the launch here.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Completely unrelated to the post, but in my internet wanderings I came upon this medical-themed restaurant in Singapore, which I thought I'd share with you. I have no idea how far it is from where you live, how expensive, or even what exactly they serve, but it's apparently supposed to provoke artistic thought...or something along those lines...or maybe just be weird...who knows?

Anyway, it's called Clinic, and here's their website:

Hope you're enjoying your time out there!